Friday, October 31, 2008


We went to the mall for Halloween. Russell missed all of the excitement because he fell asleep in the stroller. Russell was a rabbit, Dusty was a skeleton, and I was nothing. Here are some pictures of Dusty and Russell.

Monday, October 20, 2008

This weekend we went to Salt Lake City. We had a birthday party for our sister-in-law Mandy, and we drove out to Grantsville so Russell could spend time with his Great Grandma Diane, his Great Grandpa Jay, and his Great Great Grandma Lois (Grandma Lois is the one in the picture). Russell also spent time with his Uncle Justin, and his Cousin Kaidence. My dad popped the lenses out of my mom's sunglasses so Russell could wear them and look like his daddy.

Our trip to Denver

We went to Denver a few weeks ago to see Grandma Monica and Grandpa Kim. We had a really really fun time at a restaurant that their friend owns. The drinks were flowing! We cant wait to go again soon!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

October 5th

This weekend my mom came to see us. We had a lot of fun. Russell has finally started smiling at us. I took Russell to his doctor earlier this week and he has gotten so big! He is 2 months old and he now weighs 12.5 lbs! He still is pretty short, he measured in at 21 in. The naked picture of him was when he was born. He was just a little guy. Now he is my cute little chubby bubba.

Our Trip To Salt Lake City

3 weeks ago we went to salt lake to see the family. My favorites are the ones with the grandkids playing guitars with Grandpa Brett and Uncle Josh. We were very happy to have Russell's Great Grandma Diane drive from Grantsville to see him. There is also one of my sister Nicole and Russell. He loves his aunt Nikki!